Rythu Bandhu Scheme by Telangana Govt. for Farmers Welfare


Rythu Bandhu Scheme:  India is an agriculture-oriented country known for its agricultural resources; the Government has started many welfare schemes to support the agriculture industry in India.  The Scheme is for the support and welfare of farmers. This scheme supports in relieving the farmers from debt burden through initial financial support to not fall in debt. trap from money lenders. That’s why the scheme is known as the “Agriculture Investment Support Scheme”. Furthermore, the article will provide information about the overall scheme. It will cover topics like Scheme history, scopes and benefits, eligibility, and application process.

Rythu Bandhu Scheme Telangana : 

The Government of Telangana initiates the Rythu Bandhu Scheme “Agriculture Investment Support Scheme” to enhance agriculture productivity and further provide initial financial support to the farmers, by breaking the cruel cycle of rural indebtedness. It is distributed through Rythu Samanvaya Samithi (RSS) at the village level.

The Rythu Bandhu Scheme is an initial financial support initiative introduced by the Government of Telangana, by providing initial capital of Rs. 10000 per acre per annum to all landowning farmers in the state. Moreover, this annual amount will be disbursed in two slots of Rs. 5,000 per acre for both crop seasons Rabi and Kharif. The fund is to be used for the purchase of Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Labor and other inputs in the field operations of the farmer’s choice for each crop season.

Rythu Bandhu Scheme History: 

The Rythu Bandhu scheme was announced in Feb 2018, by the CM of Telangana State, Mr. Chandrashekhar Rao.

The Rythu Bandhu Scheme was implemented in the year 2018-19 during Kharif season for welfare of farmers against initial capital investment needs of every farmer. Government of Telangana issued a budget of Rs.12000 Crores for the financial year 2018-19 to support the Rythu Bandhu Scheme.

Rythu Bandhu Scheme Benefits:

Rythu Bandhu Scheme provides initial needed financial source for farmers, especially during the initial agricultural season. As the objective of the scheme help farmers reduce their dependence on loans and alleviate their financial burdens. This scheme support farmers to invest in better seeds, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs as par their choice. The main benefit of scheme is that it contributes to the overall growth of the agricultural sector in Telangana.

Rythu Bandhu Scheme Financial Assistance:

The government provides initial capital of Rs. 10000 per acre per annum to all landowning farmers in the state. Moreover, this annul amount will be disbursed in two slots of Rs. 5,000 per acre for both crop season Rabi and Kharif.

Important: There is no limit on the number of acres a farmer can receive the incentive for.  Most of the beneficiary farmers  are small and marginal farmers who depend on farming for livelihood.

Rythu Bandhu Scheme Eligibility Criteria:

Rythu Bandhu Scheme is a financial support for farmers by the Government of Telangana. It provides a initial financial assistance of ₹10,000 per acre per annum to all landowner farmers in the state. The Scheme Eligibility Criteria are as follows:

  • All landowner farmers in Telangana are eligible for the scheme including both small and large landholders.
  • The applicant farmer must be a permanent resident of Telangana State in Inida.
  • There is no income limit for eligibility under the Scheme.
  • This scheme is applicable to all types of agricultural land like irrigated and non-irrigated land.
  • The government assistance is provided based on the land records maintained by the Telangana Government.

Condition for Rythu Bandhu Scheme:  The farmer should not be receiving any other state government benefits that conflict with the Scheme.

Application Process for Rythu Bandhu Scheme:

The Rythu Bandhu Scheme is overall operated and processed  by  Rythu Samanvaya Samithi (RSS)

Rythu Samanvaya Samithi:

Rythu Samanvaya Samithi (RSS) is started by Government of Telangana, and also known as Farmers  Coordination Committee. This Samithi is an agriculture cooperative set up by the Telangana State Government to process and operate agricultural activity for farmer welfare in the state. The Rythu Bandhu Scheme is distributed and operated by this committee.

Application Process for Rythu Bandhu Scheme:

  1. Registration of Farmers: Each and every farmer has to register themselves with the Rythu Bandhu Samithi. The overall registration process is simple you have to providing personal and land ownership details.
  2. Verification of Eleigibilty: Further, the Rythu Bandhu Samithi verifies the farmer’s eligibility as par the detail information provided by farmers at the time of registration and as par land records of State Government.
  3. Farmers Bank Account Linking: All farmers now need to link their bank accounts to the scheme and this is to provide financial assistance directly transferred to their own accounts.
  4. Disbursement: After the verification of eligibility, after that the initial financial assistance is disbursed twice a year, in the kharif and rabi seasons.

Rythu Bandhu Scheme official website

Here is the link for official website: Click 

Rythu Bandhu Scheme Verification Process: The Samithi may conduct field visits to verify land ownership and other details. The overall process may vary slightly depending on the specific location and implementation details.


The Rythu Bandhu Scheme is farmer welfare initiative by the Government of Telangana. Furthermore, the scheme  provide financial assistance to farmers for Rs. 10000 per acre per annum to all landowning farmers. Further, the scheme objective is to reduce financial burdens, encourage better agricultural practices and promote the overall growth of the agricultural sector. Finally,  the Scheme reflects  a positive impact on the lives of farmers in Telangana.

Overall, the Rythu Bandhu Scheme is a farmer’s welfare valuable initiative that demonstrates the government’s commitment to supporting farmers and promoting agricultural development in Telangana.

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